To synchronize all the collected data tracks (see Evaluation), we use the Evaluation Viewer software, which was programmed specifically for the project.
We provide the Evaluation Viewer for researchers to access our collected data. You will need the free version of the Max/MSP software, which cannot be used for further editing but to view and evaluate the data. Although the personal data of the test persons are anonymized, this part is password protected. If you are interested, please contact the person responsible for the project: jan.torpus(at)fhnw.ch.
The screenshot of the “Evaluation Viewer” on left shows four different control panels that can be used for pattern recognition and analysis:
- At the top, the GSR and the head movement data curves are displayed.
- At the bottom left, the positions of the participants during the walkthrough are visualized.
- In the middle is the key frame editor which allows to make annotations of observations.
- On the right is the video image captured by the wide-angle camera showing the interaction of the participant.